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Program Team

Gerry Hanley

Gerry Hanley Ph.D., Executive Director
Gerry is responsible for the leadership, strategic directions, overall management, and sustainability of MERLOT.

Rick Lumadue

Rick Lumadue Ph.D., Associate Director, Customer Services
Rick is responsible for leading and managing a variety of MERLOT and SkillsCommons projects with an emphasis on collection and curation programs and professional development programs.

Maria Fieth

Maria Fieth M.A.(2), RTC, Associate Director, Partnership Development
Maria is responsible for overseeing the development, management and success of partnerships with higher education, professional organizations and industry for MERLOT and SkillsCommons.

Jane Moore

Jane Moore Ed.D., Director of Editorial and Professional Development Services
Jane is responsible for managing the Editorial Boards, is Editor of Teacher Education and the liaison from MERLOT to the Innovate Conference. She is editor of From the Vineyard.

Cathy Swift

Cathy Swift Ph.D., MERLOT GRAPE Camp Manager and Editor of MERLOT Business Editorial Board
Cathy is responsible for providing the training of MERLOT's peer reviewers within our GRAPE Camp program, leading the MERLOT Business Editorial Board and building the MERLOT collection.

Technology Team

Jeff Kahn

Jeff Kahn M.S., Tech Team Manager
Jeff is responsible for MERLOT product development, enhancements and maintenance.

Verbena Consulting

Verbena Consulting, Software Engineering
Verbena Consulting is responsible for the technological development and implementation of MERLOT library, MERLOT Content Builder and Web Services.

Don Strand

Don Strand, Webmaster and Instructional Design
Don is responsible for the front-end design and development of MERLOT products, for MERLOT's social media services, and maintaining MERLOT user relations and experiences.

Projects Team

Jean Pierre Bayard

Jean Pierre Bayard Ph.D., Project Director, Virtual Labs
JP is responsible for leading MERLOT's Virtual Labs project and community. 

Moustapha Diack

Moustapha Diack Ph.D., Director of MERLOT Africa Network
Moustapha is responsible for leading the MERLOT Africa Network project and community. 

Sorel Reisman

Sorel Reisman, MERLOT International Relations Advisor
Sorel is responsible for initiating and advising on relationships between MERLOT and potential international partners. 

Brett Christie

Brett Christie Ph.D., Project Director, Ensuring Quality Open and Online Learning (eQOOL)
Brett is responsble for leading the development and provision of MERLOT-SkillsCommons quality assurance resources for online teaching and learning (eQOOL).