News and Information

The MERLOT News and Information page provides you with the latest news, information and events related to MERLOT. At a single click see what's new in the MERLOT Collection, find out about our upcoming conference, follow us on Twitter, read our blog ad so much more!  

Our Conference 

The MERLOT annual conference is a venue for educators, administrators, and technologists who have interest and expertise in technology-enabled teaching and learning and who recognize the need to remain current in this rapidly advancing field of educational practice and theory. In 2010, when MERLOT started partnering with Sloan-C to cosponsor it, the conference was renamed Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. In 2016, partnering with the Online Learning Consortium, the conference was named OLC Innovate. For more information on our upcoming conference, go to OLC Innovate.


The MERLOT Blog, first released in August, 2013 features regular and sometimes controversial commentaries by MERLOT staff and other invited contributors, with MERLOT Members participating in the discussion. Read the blog at

Twitter Feed 

MERLOT Twitter feed can be found at It is also part of our News and Information page . We use the feed to promote MERLOT, recent peer reviews and upcoming events and conferences. 

What's New in MERLOT 

The What's New page in MERLOT is a summary of Recent Activity in MERLOT. From this page, you can see all activity in the past 30 days. This includes materials added, members joined, Peer Reviews completed, members who joined the VSB, or Comments, Learning Exercises or Bookmark Collections added to the MERLOT Collection.