Using RSS files, you can create a data feed that supplies the latest materials or members or favorite searches from MERLOT. MERLOT provides RSS feeds free of charge to anyone interested in showing syndicated MERLOT content on a webpage. MERLOT retains full copyright on the information provided.

All MERLOT RSS feeds can be found at There are 3 steps to creating an RSS feed.

  1. Pick the type of feed you want - material or member.
  2. Select the discipline for the feed.
  3. Pick the feed you want. These include peer reviewed, recently added, top rated or for members, joined in the last 30 days.

RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a Web content syndication format. RSS files are based on XML. All RSS files must conform to the XML 1.0 specification. For more information on RSS, visit the RSS Wiki page at

If you have any questions, email