Rating and Discussing a Material

Rating a Material

One of the best ways to add value to a material in the MERLOT Collection is to give it a rating. User ratings help others find and consider materials in MERLOT.

To add a rating for a material, simply click directly on the corresponding star in the Quality section of the Material Detail page, from 1 star (poor) to 5 stars (outstanding).

User ratings are averaged and displayed at the top of that same Quality box.

material ratings

Discussing a Material

Got an idea, question, or debate inspired by this material? This is where you can contribute to the discussion about the material. This feature is available for every material in MERLOT.

From the material detail page for the material you want to discuss, there is a link to Discuss this Material (right next to the Go to material link). You will be taken to the Discussion section where you can add your comments, thoughts, note whether or not you've used the material in a course, and read what others have said about the item. Once you've enter your thoughts, click Submit. 

Comments section