MERLOT on Social Media

Along with MERLOT Voices, our own community networking site, as well as our channel on YouTube and our MERLOT Blog, we also maintain a constant presence on several social media outlets. Announcements of new initiatives and features on the MERLOT website, important announcements of upcoming events and deadlines, and news and articles from the MERLOT team and around the web on OER and educational technology are all shared on these sites. To be sure you stay informed, follow us on these sites and share us with your colleagues.

Also, check out our Marketing Materials page for PDFs of our flyers and postcards.


We use our Facebook Page to share new MERLOT publications and announcements of upcoming events and happenings with MERLOT and our Partners. Follow us and join the conversation!


The MERLOT Twitter feed is used to communicate information about upcoming events, conferences, and other newsworthy items from other educational organizations and from around the web. Follow us @merlotorg.


MERLOT publications and important announcements will be shared on our LinkedIn Page. You are also encouraged to join our MERLOT Group Page where you can more fully be a part of community discussions.