MERLOT on YouTube

There are many videos available on the MERLOT Channel on YouTube. They are categorized in the play list, so you can select the topic you want. Please go here:

MERLOT was granted a non-profit Educational Channel on YouTube under a plan designed for educational organizations to promote their educational objectives worldwide. The channel, MERLOTPlace, allows MERLOT to post play lists of educational materials that support MERLOT's objectives related to the use of technology for teaching and learning. Visitors can view videos that among other things provide instruction about the MERLOT environment, MERLOT award winning materials, and keynote addresses from the annual MERLOT International Conference. MERLOTPlace is organized into a variety of technology and instruction-oriented playlists designed by MERLOT, with the ability for others to cross list their own, related YouTube videos in the MERLOT playlists. If you have videos you want included on the site, please email the MERLOT Webmaster at

To find us on other social networks, visit our MERLOT on Social Media page.